
In recent times, the explosion of information from a variety of sources has made it increasingly important to check the credibility and reliability of the underlying data. Large volumes of data generated from diverse information channels like social media, online news outlets, and crowd-sourcing contribute valuable knowledge. However, this comes with additional challenges to ascertain the credibility of user-generated information, resolving conflicts among heterogeneous data sources, identifying misinformation, etc. Given diverse information about an object (e.g., a natural language claim text, an entity, and an SPO like triple) from heterogeneous and multi-modal sources like relational data, natural language text, images and video: how do we identify high quality and trustworthy information and information sources? How can we leverage Knowledge Bases and external evidence sources from the web for reasoning, explaining and validating claims while dealing with their limitations regarding incompleteness and emerging facts? How can we generate human-interpretable explanations for the models' verdict as opposed to black box methods? In order to answer these questions, this workshop encourages submissions to focus on big ideas for resolving conflicts, fact-checking and ascertaining credibility of claims in heterogeneous and multi-modal sources of information --- focusing both on unstructured texts, natural language claims, relational data and knowledge graphs.

Program Schedule

Time (pm) Event
1.00 Opening
1.05 Keynote 1 - Emre Kiciman (Sr. Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research), Detecting the Missing Information in Misinformation
1.40 Contributed Talk - Kai Shu (Arizona State University), dEFEND: Explainable Fake News Detection
2.00 Spotlight 1 - Subhabrata Mukherjee (Sr. Research Scientist, Microsoft Research), Fact Checking Natural Language Claims
2.20 D-FJ: Deep Neural Network Based Factuality Judgment, Ankan Mullick, Sourav Pal, Projjal Chanda, Arijit Panigrahy, Anurag Bharadwaj and Siddhant Singh
2.30 Coffee Break
3.00 Keynote 2 - Xin Luna Dong (Principal Scientist, Amazon USA), Demeter: Harvesting knowledge from the semi-structured web
3.40 Spotlight 2 - Qi Li (UIUC), Truth Discovery for Information Extraction
4.00 Workshop Paper - Workshop Paper - CrossLang: the system of cross-lingual plagiarism detection, Oleg Bakhteev, Alexandr Ogaltsov, Andrey Khazov, Kamil Safin and Rita Kuznetsova
4.20 Workshop Paper - Localizing the Rumor Source in a Network, Guanyu Nie and Christopher Quinn
4.30 Workshop Paper - AuthIntegrate: Toward Combating False Data on the Internet, Romila Pradhan and Sunil Prabhakar
4.40 Workshop Paper - A Data Set of Internet Claims and Comparison of their Sentiments with Credibility, Amey Parundekar, Susan Elias and Ashwin Ashok
4.50 Closing - Prof. Jiawei Han (UIUC)

Call For Papers

Our workshop on truth discovery and fact-checking is motivated by the need for new research, tools and techniques to advance the field with the following focus areas:

The first workshop on Truth Discovery and Fact Checking: Theory and practice will provide a forum where researchers and practitioners from academia, government and industry can share insights and identify new challenges and opportunities in resolving conflicts, fact-checking and ascertaining credibility of claims. The workshop will be held in Anchorage, Alaska on August 5, 2019 in conjunction with the ACM SIGKDD 2019.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Submission Guidelines

We invite submissions for original research papers both theory and application-oriented as well as submissions from the research track and applied data science track of the main conference. We encourage the participants to submit papers on novel datasets and release them to advance the field. Papers must be submitted in PDF according to the ACM Proceedings Template in a single-blind format (including author names and affiliations). We welcome both long papers (maximum length of 9 pages) and short papers (maximum length of 5 pages). The accepted papers will be published on the workshop’s website, and will not be considered archival for resubmission purposes. Please submit your papers at the EasyChair submission link.

Important Dates

All deadlines are 11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time

Workshop paper submissions: May 15, 2019

Workshop paper notifications: June 5, 2019

Workshop date: August 5, 2019


Subhabrata Mukherjee
Subhabrata Mukherjee
Microsoft Research
Qi Li
Qi Li
Cong Yu
Cong Yu
Google Research
Jiawei Han
Jiawei Han

Please email truthdiscoverykdd2019@gmail.com for any questions.

Program Committee

Evangelos Papalexakis, University of California Riverside

Fenglong Ma, The Pennsylvania State University

Gensheng Zhang, University of Texas at Arlington

Gerhard Weikum, Max Planck Institute for Informatics

Jiliang Tang, Michigan State University

Jun Yang, Duke University

Kashyap Popat, Max Planck Institute for Informatics

Lu Su, The State University of New York at Buffalo

Manuel Gomez Rodriguez, MPI for Software Systems

Meng Jiang, University of Notre Dame

Naeemul Hassan, University of Mississippi

Niloy Ganguly, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Panagiotis Metaxas, Wellesley College

Paolo Papotti, Eurecom

Prashant Shiralkar, Amazon

Shi Zhi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Srijan Kumar, Stanford University

Yaliang Li, Tencent America